The Quran narrates the story of Qarun, who was from the people of Moses. However, the Quran does not specify the time or location of this story. Did it take place when the Israelites and Moses were still in Egypt before the Exodus? Or after the Exodus during the lifetime of Moses? Or perhaps it occurred among the Israelites after Moses? Regardless of the various narratives, we will recount the story as it is mentioned in the Quran.
God tells us about Qarun's immense treasures, saying that the keys to the rooms holding these treasures were so heavy that even a group of strong men could barely carry them. If the keys alone were this massive, one can only imagine the treasures themselves! But despite being blessed with great wealth by God, Qarun became arrogant and oppressive toward his people. The Quran does not specify the nature of his oppression, leaving it open to encompass various forms. Perhaps he wronged them by seizing their lands and possessions, or by denying them their rightful share of his wealth—the right of the poor to the riches of the wealthy. Or perhaps his oppression manifested in other ways.
It seems that wise members of his community advised him to adopt moderation and balance, the proper approach. They warned him against excessive joy that leads one to forget the source of this wealth and who bestowed it upon him. They urged him to enjoy his wealth in this world without neglecting the afterlife and to use his wealth to work for the Hereafter. They reminded him that this wealth is a gift from God and an act of kindness, so he should reciprocate with kindness by giving charity and doing good with it. They also cautioned him against spreading corruption on Earth through arrogance, injustice, envy, hatred, spending wealth frivolously, or withholding it when it should be shared. For God does not love the corrupt.
Qarun's response was a single, arrogant statement that embodied all forms of corruption: "I have only been given it because of the knowledge I possess." His pride made him forget the true source of his blessings and their purpose. He was blinded by his wealth and consumed by his riches, ignoring the advice of his people and failing to recognize the grace of his Lord.
One day, Qarun appeared before his people, adorned in all his splendor. Some among them were dazzled by his wealth and wished they could have what Qarun had been given, feeling that he was truly blessed. But those among them who possessed knowledge and faith admonished the dazzled onlookers, saying: "Woe to you, misguided ones! Beware of temptation and fear God. Know that the reward of God is far better than this display of wealth, for what is with God is far superior to what Qarun possesses."
When the temptation of wealth and splendor reached its peak, and people's hearts faltered before it, divine power intervened to put an end to this temptation, sparing the weak from its allure and crushing arrogance and pride. The punishment came swiftly and decisively: "So We caused the earth to swallow him and his home." In an instant, the earth swallowed him and his mansion. He vanished, weak and powerless, without anyone to help him, and neither his status nor his wealth could save him.
The people began speaking to one another in shock, amazement, and reflection. Those who had once wished for Qarun’s wealth, power, and grandeur now said: "Truly, God expands provision for whom He wills among His servants, and He restricts it as He wills. Praise be to God, who spared us from destruction and severe punishment. We have repented to You, O Allah. To You belongs all praise in this world and the next."